Office of Performance Management (OPM)

Man standing in front of screen talking about code

The Office of Performance Management (OPM) is part of the DGS Administration division comprising three sections: Business Process Improvement (BPI) and Data Governance, Information Systems Management and Technology (ISMT), and Change Management (CM) and Project Management (PM). The division uses data analytics and business process automation, user-centered design, and strategic pipeline partnerships to improve operational efficiency at the Department of General Services (DGS).


  • Achieve monthly milestones, quarterly, and annual successful performance metrics.
  • Build efficient and operational project management maturity by applying PM and LEAN methodologies.
  • Become a paperless agency by 2024 in using Python for Outcome Budget Reports and web-based automation software to increase efficiency and accountability in all DGS government processes.
  • Constantly use data-driven approaches to measure divisional performance and improve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Key Initiatives

1. Developing and managing a multi-year talent pipeline with research and academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and startup businesses.

2. Establishing Python as the lingua franca in the City government and as part of our work ecosystem for government process improvement.