Do I need a City ID to enter my building? Yes, you must have a City-issued ID to enter City Buildings. If you have lost your ID, please notify your supervisor and follow protocol.
What safety protocols will be in place when we return? Magnetometers (metal detectors) have been installed in some City buildings, including City Hall, Benton, and Abel, and should be active by the first of the year.
Is there after-hour support available after normal work hours? Yes, DGS has mobile security, and the contact number for the command center is 410-396-7652. You may reach mobile security for assistance after hours.
How do I report any building maintenance issues within my agency's workspace? You must contact your agency's SRL (Service Request Liaison) to input a service request into the Archibus system. This also includes inquiries for painting, lighting, flooring, lost keys, key cards, etc.
Who is my agency's SRL? Contact your agency management team for the designated SRL for your agency or location.
Can I enter a service request on my own if I do not know who the SRL is for my agency? No, only the agency SRL has access to submit a work request in the Archibus system.
How can I become an SRL? This is a question for your management. Each agency is responsible for choosing SRLs to input their service needs.
How do I request space upgrades beyond typical building maintenance issues within my agency's workspace? You must contact your management team for any space upgrades. If approved, the SRL can submit a work request, and the DGS space management and PMPS sections make the final decision.
What improvements have been made with HVAC and air quality? DGS continues to perform preventative maintenance, such as regular filter changes.
Can I bring in a personal space heater for my space? Due to potential risks for fire, space heaters are prohibited in all City facilities.
Have there been changes in custodial services? The custodial service level remains the same, but some areas have newly obtained services.
Can I bring my own disinfectant spray and cleaning products to the office? You may bring in your own cleaning wipes, but we ask that you take into consideration that scented products and those that may contain bleach or other irritants that may be harmful to both furniture and employees with respiratory issues.
Is there a departmental break room or area with a refrigerator and microwave? Refer to your agency for specific worksite availability.
Can I bring a personal refrigerator, microwave, coffee, or toaster oven to work? You may not bring personal household appliances to work; please refer to your agency/facility plan for designated break room availability.
Is there a lactation room available in City buildings? Please reach out to DGS for locations and access.
Will I still have my old desk/workstation? If not, will the new workstation be "mine," or will I have to share it? Your agency will have the flexibility to address a solution to this question best. We do not know what this will look like on an agency-by-agency basis. For some of you, things will not change drastically from where you were before the pandemic. For others, you may be in a completely different space, so it will vary from agency to agency and office to office.
Will I be at a different desk every time I come in? This will also be agency/office specific.
I like the teleworking furniture I have at home can I bring it or something like it to the office when I return? No, only City-purchased furniture can be used in the office. Furniture is not to be relocated to other spaces without written agency approval.
Can I bring my plants back to work? No, we strongly discourage bringing live plants and animals due to potential individual health concerns and maintenance issues.
Are emotional support animals allowed in the office? Only certified service animals are allowed on city property.
Will there be PCs available if I forget my laptop? Refer to your management for specific instructions.
Do I need to bring back work files I took home? Please see agency-specific requirements and protocols.
Will the previous space arrangements remain regarding social distancing? Agencies may have specific protocols in place. Please refer to your agency management for guidance.
I had an assigned parking space before; is that still valid? All previously assigned parking must be addressed with the agency that assigned it.
Can I leave personal items at "my" workstation? We discourage leaving personal effects. However, agencies will have the flexibility to make their determination.