H.T. Darling’s Incredible Musᴂum Presents: The Treasures of New Galapagos, Astonishing Acquisitions from the Perisphere at the Peale Museum!

Peale Museum

DGS is a partner with Submersive Productions, a Baltimore theater company to present an immersive theater experience at the Peale Museum, a DGS building. This historic property across the street from Abel Wolman will be the site of Submersive’s new science-fiction theater experience, H.T. Darling’s Incredible Musᴂum Presents: The Treasures of New Galapagos, Astonishing Acquisitions from the Perisphere. The show tells the fictional story of H.T. Darling: a high-society explorer who has just returned from an expedition to an area of outer space, “The Perisphere,” and a planet he calls New Galapagos. Darling will share his curious discoveries at The Musᴂum, where each audience member choses their own path through the evening’s strange events.

DGS collaborated with Submersive Productions to provide space and breathe life into the Peale Museum —one of the most historically significant buildings in Baltimore. This building, owned and maintained by DGS, was constructed in 1814 by the artist Rembrandt Peale and was the first museum building in the western hemisphere. It went on to be Baltimore’s first city hall, later becoming the first public high school in Maryland to admit African American students. The creative team includes visual artists, puppet makers, a museum display, a carpenter, and a taxidermist. Musᴂum will conduct performances from April 1 until April 30, 2017, Thursdays through Sundays at The Peale Museum at 225 Holliday St. Tickets can be purchased at www.submersiveproductions.com.

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